These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.3.

Query for the latest firmware informations for the model of the thing corresponding to the specified thing token. It will return all latest firmware registered for every micro-controller (MCU).

MQTT Request

SUBSCRIBE v2/things/THING_TOKEN/firmwares/latest/response

PUBLISH v2/things/THING_TOKEN/firmwares/latest/request

# Subscribe for the response
mosquitto_sub -h "" -t "v2/things/THING_TOKEN/firmwares/latest/response" -d
# Publish request
mosquitto_pub -h "" -t "v2/things/THING_TOKEN/firmwares/latest/request" -m '{"_requestId":"[randomId]"}' -d
  "status": "success",
  "firmwares": [
      productId: 1234,
      version: '1.0.1',
      notes: 'Wifi firmware changelog',
      _id: '56c5a331665c14fa09612f38',
      createdAt: '2016-02-18T10:55:45.517Z',
        id: '56c5a331665c14fa09612f35',
        md5: '0ad066a5d29f3f2a2a1c7c17dd082a79',
        type: 'gfs',
        url: ''
      targetMCU: 'WiFi'
      productId: 1234,
      version: '1.0.2',
      notes: 'Main board firmware changelog',
      _id: '56c5a331665c14fa09612f39',
      createdAt: '2016-02-18T10:55:45.519Z',
        id: '56c5a331665c14fa09612f34',
        md5: '0ad066a5d29f3f2a2a1c7c17dd082a79',
        type: 'gfs',
        url: ''
      targetMCU: 'Main'