thethings.iO API is a RESTful API that allows you to store and get data generated by your Internet-connected devices.
There are many things you can connect with theThings.iO REST API. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo, ESP8266 or Electric Imp are some of the DIY things whose data you can store and visualize through thethings.iO dashboards.
To access thethings.iO API you need to create an account so you can and get your tokens from our platform!
When you develop the firmware of your device, try not to use static buffers with fixed size to get the HTTP response, use dynamic buffers. Its size may change.
Getting Started
We have created some guides to help you start as quickly as possible. You can find them at the QuickStart section:
API Reference
For information and technical details on all the REST API endpoints, check out the API Reference section.
Security and Authentication
HTTPS is a layer on top of HTTP with SSL/TLS protocol that provides authentication and bidirectional communications encryption that protects from man-in-the-middle attacks, eavesdropping and tampering.
We strongly recommend the use of HTTPS in all your thethings.iO REST API requests.
HTTP calls (without SSL support) are also accepted to and from thethings.iO REST API through endpoint.
In order to use HTTPS, you will need the public root certificates (also available via the browser). Keep in mind that these certificates are renewed every year, so a mechanism is be necessary to update those.
Updated about 7 years ago